148728 review-network-responsible-false-propaganda-guys-1 network-responsible-false-propaganda-guys-1 http://www.fox.feedback/review-network-responsible-false-propaganda-guys-1 30013 1 1 1 0 0 0 Your network is responsible for false propaganda. You guys are not a news channel. Shame on you on defending run rights over people rights, infringe on the rights of women, minorities. Your agenda is HATE. You are the reason why good people of conscious are leaving this country is droves. This has become a dictatorship. You are murderers and you are going to be the demise if the democracy in this country. I am a former Republican and an legal immigrant. I am discussed by you, your all criminals as far as I. concerned. <p>Your network is responsible for false propaganda. You guys are not a news channel. Shame on you on defending run rights over people rights, infringe on the rights of women, minorities. Your agenda is HATE. You are the reason why good people of conscious are leaving this country is droves. This has become a dictatorship. You are murderers and you are going to be the demise if the democracy in this country. I am a former Republican and an legal immigrant. I am discussed by you, your all criminals as far as I. concerned. </p> 2022-05-25T02:20+0000

Your network is responsible for false propaganda. You guys are not a news channel. Shame on you on defending run rights over people rights, infringe on the rights of women, minorities. Your agenda is HATE. You are the reason why good people of conscious are leaving this country is droves. This has become a dictatorship. You are murderers and you are going to be the demise if the democracy in this country. I am a former Republican and an legal immigrant. I am discussed by you, your all criminals as far as I. concerned.